Thursday, March 31, 2016

My First Interview


  1. What did you do to get here?
  2. What do you think about your classes?
  3. How do you think your friends see you now?
  4. What can you do to help friends who ask you?
  5. What new goals have you set for yourself now?
  6. Why did you try to become student of the month?
  7. How much extra time did you have to take to get here?
  8. On average how long do you spend on homework per night?
  9. How many hours of volunteering did you have to do (if any) to get here?
  10. How good are your grades to be awarded student of the month?
  11. What do you wish to keep improving about your school career?
  12. Has anything changed within you because of your accomplishments?
  13. How did it feel when they announced your name as student of the month?
  14. How do you feel about yourself now that you are the student of the month?
  15. How do you want the public to see you, now that your student of the month?
  16. How were you able to overcome all the stress that it took for you to get here?
  17. How are you going to celebrate your academic accomplishment as student of the month?
  18. What advice would you give for students who are trying to become student of the month?
  19. If your in any extra curricular activity, how hard was it to manage academics, athletics, and fine arts?
  20. Is there anyone you want to recognize for helping you get to this position?

  1. I tried as hard as I could in school and my extra circular activities.
  2. Some of them are challenging but I know that they are going to help me in my future education.
  3. They'll probably think that I'm a lot cooler now that I've been awarded with such a big title.
  4. If I can help them I will but if not I'll send them to a person who can.
  5. I want to get through high-school with better grades.
  6. I wanted to set an example and wanted to become a leader of my peers.
  7. I had to spend a lot more time than the average kid my age.
  8. About two hours depending on what subject the homework was over.
  9. I volunteered at the school carnival for about three hours.
  10. Mostly A's and a couple high B's.
  11. I wish to keep improving my personal habits, such as procrastination and studying.
  12. Not really.
  13. I felt really shocked because I didn't expect them to call my name.
  14. I feel like I can do better academically.
  15. I want them to see me as a figure of respect and leadership.
  16. I had to have a lot of alone time and my extra circulars helped a bunch.
  17. I would like to sit and admire what I've done.
  18. I'd tell them to appreciate their academics more and participate in different things.
  19. I had to be very organized and coordinated with my extra circulars and my academics.
  20. I would like to thank my teachers and my older brother for all the help. 

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