Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4

Story #1, Front Page : "Rewards created for good attendance raises questions"

Texas changed a few laws in the school districts this year. The new attendance incentives are allowing students to earn special rewards for going to school as much as possible. Students who get 90% or higher on attendance will be eligible to have their own parking spots and the ability to be exempted from taking finals of their choice. Higher attendance will also raise state-wide revenue. The state of Texas now encourages students to go to school by rewarding them in different ways.

The state, the district and Bowie high students.
The new attendance incentives.
The AustinISD School district, primarily Bowie High.
The second school semester of the 2015-2016 school year.
They school needed some clarity about the new incentives.
The Bowie administrators gave some thought about the attendance policies in-effect this semester.

Grace Little, Madi Little, Mason Kendrick,  Lauryn Kendrick & Ruth Widner
"The craziest thing is, year after year, when students become seniors they just decide that school is optional, that class is optional, but it isn't. Not if you want to graduate."
The lead sentence sort of hooked me, but i thought it could be stronger.
It was a quote.

Story #2, Student Life: "Red Cross Club presidents raise awareness about about medical and health issues to make a difference"

The Red Cross Club at Bowie is a club that promotes the Red Cross of Austin. Their main purpose it to raise awareness for the health of others. Right now they are doing a fundraiser to get money for vaccinations of the children in Africa who can't get them themselves. The Red Cross Club is all about the wellness of students and children everywhere.

The Red Cross Club at Bowie High, and its presidents.
Health and Wellness issues around our area, and globally.
At Bowie High School.
In the past and next few weeks.
They want to raise enough to give vaccinations to children in Africa.
They are posting flyers and telling people about their cause.

Caleb Newton, Madison Winn, & Erin Kowalik
"The Red Cross, and more specifically our club, is unique in the fact that it not only makes me feel like I'm actually making a difference in this world, but also that the entire club can make an impact on a person in need's life who we haven't even met."
I didn't think that it was relevant to the story.
The story need with a quote.

Story #3, News: "FFA take T.C.Y.S. by a storm"

The FFA at Bowie took their animals to the TCYS competition this year and won in most of the competitions. Everyone was so happy in how they placed and were when all there hard work payed off in the end.

The FFA association at Bowie High School.
The Travis County Youth Show.
The TCYS stadium.
January 14-16
It's a fun thing that Bowie's been doing for years.
The students were responsible for everything that they needed including their animals. They are in charge of feeding them, bathing them, and helping them grow. All the students put tons of time into this and it does pay off in the end.

Kylee Rhorer, Jamie Muras, Brandon Parker, & Kate Buning.
"Winning will make me work harder and believe in myself. It shows all the hard work pays off."
Yes, it did.
It was a statement.

Story #4, Sports: "Ray is an All-American nominee"

Senior Kianna Ray is an all-star basketball player fro Bowie High School. She leads the varsity girls' team as captain, and there is no denying why.

Kianna Ray and the varsity basketball team.
Ray's basketball career.
Bowie High School.
January 6, 2015.
It is a reflection of how well Ray plays basketball.
It was accomplished by interviewing a few players to get their thoughts on the story.

Kianna Ray, Alyssa Kuykendall, & Foradory.
"No matter how much pressure is put on her, she remains humble and kind. She will do whatever it takes to accomplish her ambitions and goals, all the while staying true to herself."
Sort-of but it was not my complete interest so I might not have kept going.
It was a quote.

Story #5, Entertainment:

The Steel Drums Program here at Bowie gave a little insight to what it would be like if you were in the program. Amy Suggs, director of the Steel Ensembles, explained that they got a very special chance to go and play for PASIC ( Percussive Arts Society International Convention) this year.

The Steel Drums Students at Bowie.
The Steel Drum Ensembles.
Bowie High School.
Late January- early February.
It was meant to give some insight about the steel drum program.
The director and students gave some information about the great program that they are in.

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