Tuesday, March 22, 2016

"Portfolio analysis - how judges pick winning portfolios and sports photos"

a. Travis Haughton
b. Sports & Story Photography.
c. The faces in his photos were covered up.
    The quality and framing of some pictures were weak.
    The Judges didn't know what they were looking for most of the time.
d. His exposure and lighting was good throughout the portfolio.
    They liked his unique style of capturing people's facial expressions.
e.  I liked most of his pictures. I thought most of the faces people had when he shot them were great, I also like his exposure and creative lighting that he incorporated into his photos.

a. Jordan Murph
b. Sports photography
c. The judges didn't like the repetitive ides in his photos.
    They thought that the stories he was trig to show didn't appear like the photographer wished they      would have.
    The judges also did not appreciate how a good sports photographer went from being unique, creative and well spoken to just another photographer int eh competition.
d. The judges like the lighting in most of his pictures.
    They also like how he showed people's actions as they were happening in his photos.
e. I thought that this guys photos were really good at first and then when he got to the rehab section and further I thought that he could've chosen better ideas to take pictures of. I liked the exposure in his photos and how he made the actions stop in his photos. I also enjoyed his unique perspective on his subjects.

a. Justin Mott
b. story photography
c. The judges disliked his focus in the photos because they were blurry and unclear.
    They disliked how he cut off heads and bodies in his images.
     The judges did not like how he put his photos in the way he did because they thought there was a                stronger way to arrange them to make the photos stand out.
d. They liked how he showed pain and loss in the subjects faces in his photos.
    The judges also liked how he used lighting to set moods in his images.
e. I liked the way he way he used lighting with black and white was really nice and I thought that it set good moods and tones in his photos. I thought that he told a strong story in his images without me even having to see any words.

Winner: Dustin Snipes
a.  They liked the way he used blurs to make the subject stand out or look like they were moving   really fast across the plain.
     They also like how he was able to capture everything very well in his images. He made the judges    feel for the people he was taking pictures of.
    The judges also liked how he was able to take a photo were every person in the photo was holding something or doing something that helped enhance the photo.
b. I think that lighting and exposure have a big effect on a persons photos. I also think that the focus is a big part of an image and I like when a photographer can make the audience feel for the people in the photo.
In this portfolio I thought that it was really strong, but I thought that when he gets to far away and we see too much is when I think that the photos could've been better because they were unorganized and chaotic.

Part 2:

  1. This photo has two boxers in it, in the middle of a match. One of the boxers landed a really good hit  to the other's face and the photographer got the picture. I liked this image because it shows good foreground and background action, it has a good action going on in the foreground and the ref. is in a good position in the back. It tells a story and it could go anywhere from there. 


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