Thursday, March 31, 2016

Inverted Pyramid and the Nut Graf

The Nut Graf :
A nut graf is a series of sentences that make up the second part of a news story. Mostly includes what mainly happened at that event. It is almost like a hook to the story; the most detailed part of the article that will provide the reader with insight about the rest of the article.
     The nut graf is the fuel for the rest of the article. The nut graf may include evidence of what happened, people's quotes over the topic, photos, and the highlights of the article. The nut graf is the paragraph that explains why the reader should keep reading and informs the readers of the most featured aspect of the article.

My First Interview


  1. What did you do to get here?
  2. What do you think about your classes?
  3. How do you think your friends see you now?
  4. What can you do to help friends who ask you?
  5. What new goals have you set for yourself now?
  6. Why did you try to become student of the month?
  7. How much extra time did you have to take to get here?
  8. On average how long do you spend on homework per night?
  9. How many hours of volunteering did you have to do (if any) to get here?
  10. How good are your grades to be awarded student of the month?
  11. What do you wish to keep improving about your school career?
  12. Has anything changed within you because of your accomplishments?
  13. How did it feel when they announced your name as student of the month?
  14. How do you feel about yourself now that you are the student of the month?
  15. How do you want the public to see you, now that your student of the month?
  16. How were you able to overcome all the stress that it took for you to get here?
  17. How are you going to celebrate your academic accomplishment as student of the month?
  18. What advice would you give for students who are trying to become student of the month?
  19. If your in any extra curricular activity, how hard was it to manage academics, athletics, and fine arts?
  20. Is there anyone you want to recognize for helping you get to this position?

  1. I tried as hard as I could in school and my extra circular activities.
  2. Some of them are challenging but I know that they are going to help me in my future education.
  3. They'll probably think that I'm a lot cooler now that I've been awarded with such a big title.
  4. If I can help them I will but if not I'll send them to a person who can.
  5. I want to get through high-school with better grades.
  6. I wanted to set an example and wanted to become a leader of my peers.
  7. I had to spend a lot more time than the average kid my age.
  8. About two hours depending on what subject the homework was over.
  9. I volunteered at the school carnival for about three hours.
  10. Mostly A's and a couple high B's.
  11. I wish to keep improving my personal habits, such as procrastination and studying.
  12. Not really.
  13. I felt really shocked because I didn't expect them to call my name.
  14. I feel like I can do better academically.
  15. I want them to see me as a figure of respect and leadership.
  16. I had to have a lot of alone time and my extra circulars helped a bunch.
  17. I would like to sit and admire what I've done.
  18. I'd tell them to appreciate their academics more and participate in different things.
  19. I had to be very organized and coordinated with my extra circulars and my academics.
  20. I would like to thank my teachers and my older brother for all the help. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Learning How to Interview: Part 1

Assignment 1
     1.    A principal, a teacher and a student.

     2.    20 questions:
  1. How do school uniforms make you feel?
  2. Why do you think the school board is enforcing uniforms?
  3. Do you have any idea why we have uniforms? 
  4. What do the uniforms provide the school with?
  5. What do uniforms deplete/ damage in the school?
  6. Do you think the uniforms will change with the years passing by?
  7. Is it a good thing to keep everyone the same?
  8. What were the leading causes for the uniform policy?
  9. Why do you support the uniforms?
  10. Why don't you support the uniforms?
  11. How do you think they look?
  12. What would you change about them?
  13. Why do you follow this rule?
  14. Why don't you follow this rule?
  15. How will we fund this? 
  16. What should we do about school uniforms?
  17. How can uniforms affect social inequality?
  18. What are the benefits of uniforms?
  19. What are the disadvantages of uniforms?
  20. How will school uniforms affect the students?

Architecture Prompt Shoot

 Pattern/ Repetition 
 Angles and Shapes

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Architecture Preview

Atomium, Belgium
  1. André Waterkeyn and Jean Polak.
  2. 1958
  3. Located in the City of Brussels.
  4. It is a public building, so people are able to enter.
  5. No, it does not give price details.
  6. " It symbolized the democratic will to maintain peace among all the nations, faith in progress, both technical and scientific and, finally, an optimistic vision of the future of a modern, new, super-technological world for a better life for mankind." ( 
  7. I picked this building because I thought it looked really spectacular. I first saw it and fell in love. I saw the reflective surfaces and immediately wanted to know more about it. I love the idea of a building like that because it is like a trophy for mankind. It shows that we can build amazing spectacles and that science is really cool and fun. 
Eden project, United Kingdom

  1. Nicholas Grimshaw
  2. 1995
  3. Bodelva, United Kingdom
  4. It is a public visit-able building.
  5. £141m
  6. It was built to show people how much we depend on plants and to inform people about water problems and give tips about gardening.
  7. I chose this building because I saw the building structure and I thought that it was amazing-looking and when I read a little about their ideas about water conservation and gardening I had to write more about the founding of the Eden Project. 

Burj Al Arab, Dubai, UAE

  1. Tom Wright (Of Atkins)
  2. Construction ended in 1999
  3. It is located in Dubai, UAE. 
  4. It is a hotel, in which people can visit and stay.
  5. It does not give any price details.
  6. It symbolizes how well Dubai has been progressing technologically, and socially in the world today.
  7. Dubai ( and the UAE) has always fascinated  me. Just where they are located, and how well they are progressing today is really spectacular. When we were learning about Dubai, the UAE, and the Middle East in geography, I grew a liking to those countries. When I saw that there was an option for Dubai, I didn't have to know what the building looked like to want to know more about it. 
Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland

  1. Szotyńscy & Zaleski. Inspired by the artworks of Jan Marcin Szancer.
  2. It was constructed in 2004.
  3. Sopot, Poland.
  4. It is part of a public, shopping center; therefore people can visit it.
  5. It doesn't reveal any pricing on the building.
  6. This building was created for a public place. It is different and unique so it would attract more people into that city. It was also built because the architects wanted a real building that looks like it "came out of a fairy tale" to be a reality.
  7. When I first did a search on it I was aw-struck. I couldn't believe that there could actually be a building that would look that strange. I didn't know that there were any architecture feats that could actually bring something like that crooked old house straight out of a fairy tale book. It's different uniqueness raised a flag that I had to look into.
Cubic Houses, Netherlands

  1. Piet Blom.
  2. The original idea started in the 1970's and the houses built in Rotterdam were built in 1984.
  3. Rotterdam and Helmon, Netherlands. 
  4. It is a public apartment complex.
  5. No prices are given. 
  6. They were built with one concept in mind, "Living as an urban roof".He design the buildings to each represent a tree, and together all those "trees" make a forest in the middle of the city like Blom had hopes for.
  7. I chose this building because the idea of houses that make a forest was really cool. I thought that learning more about those cubic homes tilted at a 45 degree angle would be pretty great. I love challenges and when I heard about some houses that were cubic houses tilted on large, tall buildings I thought that it would be a good learning experience if I read about the houses. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

"Portfolio analysis - how judges pick winning portfolios and sports photos"

a. Travis Haughton
b. Sports & Story Photography.
c. The faces in his photos were covered up.
    The quality and framing of some pictures were weak.
    The Judges didn't know what they were looking for most of the time.
d. His exposure and lighting was good throughout the portfolio.
    They liked his unique style of capturing people's facial expressions.
e.  I liked most of his pictures. I thought most of the faces people had when he shot them were great, I also like his exposure and creative lighting that he incorporated into his photos.

a. Jordan Murph
b. Sports photography
c. The judges didn't like the repetitive ides in his photos.
    They thought that the stories he was trig to show didn't appear like the photographer wished they      would have.
    The judges also did not appreciate how a good sports photographer went from being unique, creative and well spoken to just another photographer int eh competition.
d. The judges like the lighting in most of his pictures.
    They also like how he showed people's actions as they were happening in his photos.
e. I thought that this guys photos were really good at first and then when he got to the rehab section and further I thought that he could've chosen better ideas to take pictures of. I liked the exposure in his photos and how he made the actions stop in his photos. I also enjoyed his unique perspective on his subjects.

a. Justin Mott
b. story photography
c. The judges disliked his focus in the photos because they were blurry and unclear.
    They disliked how he cut off heads and bodies in his images.
     The judges did not like how he put his photos in the way he did because they thought there was a                stronger way to arrange them to make the photos stand out.
d. They liked how he showed pain and loss in the subjects faces in his photos.
    The judges also liked how he used lighting to set moods in his images.
e. I liked the way he way he used lighting with black and white was really nice and I thought that it set good moods and tones in his photos. I thought that he told a strong story in his images without me even having to see any words.

Winner: Dustin Snipes
a.  They liked the way he used blurs to make the subject stand out or look like they were moving   really fast across the plain.
     They also like how he was able to capture everything very well in his images. He made the judges    feel for the people he was taking pictures of.
    The judges also liked how he was able to take a photo were every person in the photo was holding something or doing something that helped enhance the photo.
b. I think that lighting and exposure have a big effect on a persons photos. I also think that the focus is a big part of an image and I like when a photographer can make the audience feel for the people in the photo.
In this portfolio I thought that it was really strong, but I thought that when he gets to far away and we see too much is when I think that the photos could've been better because they were unorganized and chaotic.

Part 2:

  1. This photo has two boxers in it, in the middle of a match. One of the boxers landed a really good hit  to the other's face and the photographer got the picture. I liked this image because it shows good foreground and background action, it has a good action going on in the foreground and the ref. is in a good position in the back. It tells a story and it could go anywhere from there. 


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Action Prompt Shoot

Sensory Overload

  1. "I believe that more and more, we are defining our environments not as the spaces themselves, in terms of the buildings or architecture, but rather by the objects and devices that we buy and surround ourselves with. ... I would like that message to carry through universally," Seymour said
  • I really think that this is a really good quote. It is basically telling us that the architecture doesn't have that big of a role in our lives; it's what we fill our time and space with.
  • I agree with this statement. 
  • This quote makes me think deeper. There are so many great things that we could be taking photos of but we focus more on the building/structure itself that we don't notice the beauty surrounding it in our every-day lives. Instead of looking at the architecture we should be focusing on what people love the most.   
  1.   I would love to go to Yiwu with my camera because there are so many possibilities there. There are            certainly some places that are better than others that I'd be more comfortable with.
  2. I would image that being the child of one of these workers would be kind of rough. I'd think that their parents wouldn't be home very often and when they were they'd be very busy. 
  3. This is an image of a flower shop. It has thousands of flowers and hundreds of colors. There is a small walkway in the middle of the shop where the is a register and a few stools. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Newspaper Design

Outside Prompt Shoot:Twisted Fairytales and Other Terrors of Growing Up

This is a photo of a "monster" under the bed. 
Please Do Submit.

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4

Story #1, Front Page : "Rewards created for good attendance raises questions"

Texas changed a few laws in the school districts this year. The new attendance incentives are allowing students to earn special rewards for going to school as much as possible. Students who get 90% or higher on attendance will be eligible to have their own parking spots and the ability to be exempted from taking finals of their choice. Higher attendance will also raise state-wide revenue. The state of Texas now encourages students to go to school by rewarding them in different ways.

The state, the district and Bowie high students.
The new attendance incentives.
The AustinISD School district, primarily Bowie High.
The second school semester of the 2015-2016 school year.
They school needed some clarity about the new incentives.
The Bowie administrators gave some thought about the attendance policies in-effect this semester.

Grace Little, Madi Little, Mason Kendrick,  Lauryn Kendrick & Ruth Widner
"The craziest thing is, year after year, when students become seniors they just decide that school is optional, that class is optional, but it isn't. Not if you want to graduate."
The lead sentence sort of hooked me, but i thought it could be stronger.
It was a quote.

Story #2, Student Life: "Red Cross Club presidents raise awareness about about medical and health issues to make a difference"

The Red Cross Club at Bowie is a club that promotes the Red Cross of Austin. Their main purpose it to raise awareness for the health of others. Right now they are doing a fundraiser to get money for vaccinations of the children in Africa who can't get them themselves. The Red Cross Club is all about the wellness of students and children everywhere.

The Red Cross Club at Bowie High, and its presidents.
Health and Wellness issues around our area, and globally.
At Bowie High School.
In the past and next few weeks.
They want to raise enough to give vaccinations to children in Africa.
They are posting flyers and telling people about their cause.

Caleb Newton, Madison Winn, & Erin Kowalik
"The Red Cross, and more specifically our club, is unique in the fact that it not only makes me feel like I'm actually making a difference in this world, but also that the entire club can make an impact on a person in need's life who we haven't even met."
I didn't think that it was relevant to the story.
The story need with a quote.

Story #3, News: "FFA take T.C.Y.S. by a storm"

The FFA at Bowie took their animals to the TCYS competition this year and won in most of the competitions. Everyone was so happy in how they placed and were when all there hard work payed off in the end.

The FFA association at Bowie High School.
The Travis County Youth Show.
The TCYS stadium.
January 14-16
It's a fun thing that Bowie's been doing for years.
The students were responsible for everything that they needed including their animals. They are in charge of feeding them, bathing them, and helping them grow. All the students put tons of time into this and it does pay off in the end.

Kylee Rhorer, Jamie Muras, Brandon Parker, & Kate Buning.
"Winning will make me work harder and believe in myself. It shows all the hard work pays off."
Yes, it did.
It was a statement.

Story #4, Sports: "Ray is an All-American nominee"

Senior Kianna Ray is an all-star basketball player fro Bowie High School. She leads the varsity girls' team as captain, and there is no denying why.

Kianna Ray and the varsity basketball team.
Ray's basketball career.
Bowie High School.
January 6, 2015.
It is a reflection of how well Ray plays basketball.
It was accomplished by interviewing a few players to get their thoughts on the story.

Kianna Ray, Alyssa Kuykendall, & Foradory.
"No matter how much pressure is put on her, she remains humble and kind. She will do whatever it takes to accomplish her ambitions and goals, all the while staying true to herself."
Sort-of but it was not my complete interest so I might not have kept going.
It was a quote.

Story #5, Entertainment:

The Steel Drums Program here at Bowie gave a little insight to what it would be like if you were in the program. Amy Suggs, director of the Steel Ensembles, explained that they got a very special chance to go and play for PASIC ( Percussive Arts Society International Convention) this year.

The Steel Drums Students at Bowie.
The Steel Drum Ensembles.
Bowie High School.
Late January- early February.
It was meant to give some insight about the steel drum program.
The director and students gave some information about the great program that they are in.