Friday, May 20, 2016

Car Raid: Story

    On Saturday May 13, 2016 I sat down with Chandler Linseisen in her car. I sat in the car with her to see what she did as a normal day and found out more about her than I knew, through that interview. 
     Chandler is an 11th grader at Ann Richard's. She has had her license for a bout a year; and in this story we will see what she uses that car for. 
     She has a brown, four-door Ford-F-150. We asked her why she had that model (leather seats and all). "I have a Ford because my Dad had it before me and then it eventually became mine," she said, "the leather is what the company designed them to be." 
     I then asked her what she mostly used her car for and she said, "I use my car to drive me places." 
She, on average, spends about an hour in the car each day. 
      When I entered the car I noticed that it was very messy. I had to infer that doesn't clean it very much. "I clean my car maybe once a month," Linseisen said. To find out how tidy she really am I asked how often she cleans her room. "I clean my room maybe once every few months, basically whenever it gets too dirty to handle," Linseisen replied, "My room is basically a second room to me."  She said that her car was dirty because she "hadn't cleaned it out in a while." 
     I also noticed that the back seats were covered with her homework and school activities. I saw volleyball gear in the back and wanted to know why. "I play volleyball and it's the stuff I need to play with," Linseisen said.  
    There were a lot of bidders and papers in the back. Yet she said " I don't really do homework in the car," and "I carry my homework and school work in the car with me for say access." 
     She had the radio set to some of my least favorite radio stations. I asked her why she listened to them. "They seem to be there radio stations that my friends listen to," Linseisen said, unfortunately her truck doesn't allow her to listen to her own music from her iPod. 
     I asked her what she thought her friends thought about her having her own car, "They think that I am a lot more mobile and think that I am their personal taxi driver, "Linseisen said, " I like that I have the freedom to go wherever I want whenever I want." 

   Linseisen is a very good driver and she hasn't gotten into a crash before, and she would like to keep it that way for another year of great driving.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Car Raid Questions and Answers

  1. Why do you have a Ford-F-150? 
  2. Why are the seats leather? 
  3. What do you use your car most often for?
  4. How long do you think you spend in your car everyday?
  5. How often do you clean your car? 
  6. How often do you clean your room? 
  7. Why was there volleyball gear in the back?
  8. Do you do homework in your car? 
  9. Then why was there textbooks in the back? 
  10. Why do you listen to those radio channels? 
  11. How often do you have your iPod track playing in your car? 
  12. Why was your car filled with trash? 
  13. Is your car a second room to you?
  14. What do other people think about you now that you have a car?
  15. What do you like the most about your daily driving? 
1. I have a Ford because my Dad had it before me and then it eventually became mine.
2. That is what the company designed them to be.
3. I use my car to drive places.
4. I spend on average about an hour a day in the car.
5. I clean my car maybe once a month.
6. I clean my room maybe once every few months, basically whenever it gets too dirty to handle.
7. I play volleyball and it is the stuff that I need to play volleyball.
8. I don't really do my homework in the car.
9. I carry my homework and schoolwork in the car with me for easy access.
10. They seem to be the radio stations that my friends tend to listen to.
11. Never because my truck doesn't have an AUX cord.
12. I hadn't cleaned it out in a while.
13. Basically.
14. They think that I am a lot more mobile and think that I am a personal taxi driver.
15. I like that I have the freedom to go wherever I want basically whenever I want.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Car Raid Preview

  1. Either Chandler Linseisen or Daniel Wheat.
  2. Next Time I see them, (Saturday/Monday most likely)
  • Why was your radio set to that channel?
  • What was the  (object/item)  in the back seat for?
  • Who normally rides in here?
  • How often do you clean your car?
  • Why do you keep (object/item) in here?
      4. What the person does in their car on a normal daily basis, Who they have in their car, why they     have what they have in their car and what they have everything set to, like radio mirrors etc... 

Merger Photo

Friday, May 6, 2016

Merger Preview

  1. I saw that spacing was an issue; if you wanted to have each frame spaced out evenly. 
  2. I think that the are around the portables would be good because you could use the portable walls as a kind of backdrop for your subject and you could get some good scenery in the background. 
  3. Using many different things your could create a word wall in with you have all your emotions. You could also be doing an action that involves step-by-step movement and capture it from start to finish. 
  4. Anything that will contrast with part of the image, if it is the background, the sky or even the subjects themselves. 

HDR images


  1.  See Left
  2. No, these are very high-quality cool images that looks like they were taken using an DSLR camera. 
  3. I think that there could be a few apps that have an impact on these images that could change things such as lighting, and angles. 
  4. There were no tips on this version of the website. 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

HDR Introduction

HDR Photography

  1. You have to change the aperture and the shutter speed every time you take a picture.
  2. We'll need a camera, tripod and a form of HDR blending software.
  3. HDR images are a different kind of image and will help you see the world in different ways.
  4. There could be some lighting issues, we could have some things that don't line up so we have like a double-image effect when we don't want to and maybe the lighting will contrast each other making the image look differently than expected. 


Motocross Motorcycles

senior Letters

US Elections

Final Exam Planning

  1. I will shoot images for this within the next two weeks if possible.
  2. I will be either at the Oak Hill baseball fields or I'll be at a Taekwondo school in Pflugerville.
  3. I will tell the story of a baseball game/practice from start to finish or I'll show what happens at a Taekwondo tournament.
  4. I will need a camera and maybe a tripod.
  5. I am planning on putting one video into my project that will last for 20 seconds and it'll be of a good play/exciting thing that happens in the game/event. I will have images in the beginning and end. I'll try to narrate as different parts of the game/event occur.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Infographic #1

iMovie Preview

  1.    iMovie is an interactive application on any apple device, such as the mac, iPhone and iPad. It allows people to "drag and drop" their favorite pictures and videos into the movie they are creating. iMovie also allows narrations from the creator and music if wanted.                                        It allows people to "look like Hollywood directors" from one simple application. You can make videos, movies and trailers that you can customize using their own software. If you have iMovie on more than one device you can start it on one and finish it on the other.  When you are happy with your final product you can upload it to many different places through iMovie itself.       
  2. I knew that you can take and edit videos off your camera roll.
  3. I did not know that you can start it on one device and finish it on another.
  4. I really don't know about the narration, because I'm not sure what to do and how to do it.
  5. I already have a few ides about which topic I'm going to be shooting.                
  6. I'm thinking about shooting my little brother's baseball games.

  1. The video explains that you can film on iMovie or on a camera and put it into iMovie through a cable connecting the camera to the computer and then edit it in iMovie. She explained how you can use the different view modes to see your work in different outputs.                                   She also explained how you can add effects into your work and then save and export it onto another media source that supports iMovies. 
  2. I knew that you could add titles, subtitles, an effects to your video. 
  3. I didn't know that you could cut clips into smaller pieces. 
  4. I am uncertain of the video that we are supposed to have.
  5. I am pretty happy with my ideas and I think that I will have my pictures pretty early in this project.
  6. I am going to take pictures at a Taekwondo tournament I am going to in May. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

My Opinion Story

     Over the last couple of years, people have stopped voting during the election seasons. "The lack of a greater percentage participating can or would change the outcome of elections on issues and in some cases candidates for offices," Dennis AuBuchon, spokesman for Speak Without, said. "The Percentages in past elections have seen at best a little more than half of registered voters casting their ballots."
     Voting is a crucial part of our rights as American citizens. Who we vote for has a big influence on who ends up with the positions in office. I think that it is important to vote for candidates running for any official position. 
     Most people say they are "too busy" to vote when voting season comes along. Others didn't feel that their vote would have an effect on the elections leading to a large number of people not wanting to vote. Others said they "couldn't get to the poll location" or "I don't think the runners are with it."
     Even if you don't feel that your vote matters it does. I think that everyone should vote because it would make everything go more fairly and make the elections run smoother. The presidential elections are coming up and if people don't vote, then the runners have a smaller chance of winning the position that they'd want. 
     Our founding fathers created this country as a democracy, meaning that everyone should vote. Voting was given as a right to us as Americans. We should have the honor just to vote when we don't think it is necessary. Who we vote for has a huge impact on the future and we need to put that into consideration when voting season comes along. 
     I am too young to vote yet, but I've been watching and listening to the adults in my life, and I've learned that they don't think voting is necessary. They all think that the candidates are all really horrible so they don't vote because they know that whoever wins will be a bad choice. 
     Voting also has many benefits in your favor after you vote. Government officials keep track of who votes, so they know what neighborhoods should be rewarded and who should be as well. They an actually provide people with better health care, and social status because of their votes. Who wouldn't vote when they know that there are benefits to voters? 
     People who vote normally end up with a mental status that is more helpful to their society than before. Voting can put little ideas into people's heads making them offer their help and support more than they did in their past.  
     I understand why people don't think that they should vote, but I don't see the point of not voting. Everyone has to have a favorite candidate, so why not embrace that and go vote! Nothing bad can happen if you vote, more things get better after you vote! The only bad things happen when we don't vote!
      I don't really have the opportunities to vote and go live on my own yet, but I know one thing for sure, I'm going to vote. I have many other plans for the future, but I believe that voting is a big deal and that it will help more people than it can hurt. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

SNO Online Papers

Story #1: The Struggle of Cliques
  1. Deatrik Bledsoe, Staffer
  2. The article was about how cliques in high schools are isolating people and discouraging them to make friends with different people.
  3. The author does not like the idea of cliques because he thinks that "trying to be with a group of people might sound fun, but by doing this you miss your chance of making friends outside of your group." 
  4. Sort of. He described what he thought others like about them.
  5. No he wasn't. He told us what he thought and gave details about his opinion. 
  6. No.
  7. Mainly 1st person. 
Story #2: Teens, Parents Must Monitor Gaming
  1. Alyssa Walker, Entertainment Editor
  2. The story was about what video games do to teens who play them.
  3. She thought that games need to be limited so teens don't get influenced by the violence in the games. "Modern video games containing violence and crime in their plots are negatively influencing gamers and taking time away from physically healthier activities." 
  4. No.
  5. No she wasn't. She knew what she thought and she gave statistics to prove it, leading to a better argument.
  6. No.
  7. 3rd person.
Story #3: Why We Should Get Rid of Standardized Testing 
  1. Shajid Hasan, Writer 
  2. The story is about how we shouldn't do standardized testing because it only puts stress on the people involved with it.
  3. The author does not think that standardized testing is a good thing. "Standardized testing also increasing unnecessary competition between schools, as schools that perform well on standardized testing receive more subsidiaries from the government. "
  4. No.
  5.  No, the author was straight to the point. They described their ideas in detail and gave evidence to support it.
  6. No. 
  7. 3rd Person. 

Opinions Writing Part Two

  1. They said any controversial idea that gets you excited, any news stories that make you feel something, if it's rage or happiness or even sadness. 
  2. If you feel strongly about a side of a topic, show your thoughts then use statistics and details to give more evidence to what you are saying. You want to make the reader know what you felt by giving them context clues and not just saying what you are trying to emphasize. 

  • "Personal essays by definition contain a personal perspective. You should be there. Watch your construction. If every sentence begins “I”, you need to rephrase to provide a better rhythm and pace to your piece."
  • "No extra points for the number of facts you include. Academic essays contain more facts than opinion, personal essays contain more opinion than facts. But ensure the facts you use are accurate. Check names, spellings, numbers. Two sources of confirmation are better than one."
  • "Think of your essay as a camera lens. You might start by describing a fine detail (your personal experience or perspective, a specific moment in the narrative), then open up the lens to take in the wide view (the general/global backdrop), then close the piece by narrowing back to the fine detail. Or go the other way. Start with the wide view, focus in, then open up to the wide view again."

Opinions Writing Preview Activity

Story 1- 
  1. This is the editorial.
  2. The story was about the FBI working with Apple to create a "back door" to people's cellphones to get information that they need and or want.
  3. They feel negatively about this topic; "If, for example, if someone is assumed to have committed a huge crime, would they hack into that iPhone then? Either way is bad for consumers." 
  4. Yes and no. They give some insight about the other side but there weren't any quotes to back them up.
  5. No, they were straight to the point making it seem that the FBI was doing a bad thing with the encryption code and the hacking. 
  6. No there are not.
  7. This was written in 3rd person.
Story 2- 
  1. Granger Coats, photo editor.
  2. The story was about the rights that students should and shouldn't have at school.
  3. He definitely didn't agree with the events happening. "That's why I believe the DAEP should be a punishment saved only for severe cases such as students considering a threat to the school, the well-being of students, or themselves."
  4. Not really.
  5. No, he was direct with his opinion and said what he meant.
  6. No, there aren't.
  7. It was 3rd at the beginning and 1st at the end.
Story 3- 
  1. Alicia Molina, assistant editor.
  2. Their article was bout the social media, and how it basically turned two nobodies into two really nice, famous guys. 
  3. She was kinda hard to pick out what she wanted to say. Sometimes I thought she didn't like them and other times it seemed that she appreciated their work.
  4. No, she didn't.
  5. Yes she was, she didn't have a direct "bee-line" to where she was going with her opinion.
  6. There were a few.
  7. This was also a 3rd person beginning, 1st person conclusion.
Story 4- 
  1. Fuaad Ajaz, news editor.
  2. The article was about how the African-American population is being treated poorly.
  3. He was siding with the African-Americans on this. "She's embracing her skin color; yellow-bone is a light shade of African-American skin. So go on and embrace it, girl."
  4. Not Really.
  5. No, he was straight with his ideas and opinions. 
  6. There are a couple about Beyonce's lyrics.
  7. 3rd person.
Story 5- 
  1. Mia Barbosa, online editor.
  2. The article was about collage credit classes being taken at Bowie now.
  3. She supported the $93 fee that came with the test. "Considering all of the time, money and stress a student can save themselves by attempting to take the test for a fee of only $93 I believe it is a great idea to try."
  4. No.
  5. No she wasn't. She gave valid evidence to what she was trying to say and she had good theories as well.
  6. No there weren't.
  7. Mostly 1st person. 
A.  A hard news story follows the inverted pyramid well, while opinions follow it looser. Hard news stories have quotes and opinions don't. Hard news stories are all factual and no side, while that is the point of an opinion story. 

B. I don't think there are may photo's because they only show factual evidence and with opinions there aren't any facts for pictures to come up. 

C. I think that any new changes that are happening with the school would be good, Any competition that can be two-sided like debate cases or other things that have unexpected turnouts. Lastly I think that any social media things that are impacting students should be written about. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Earthquake Story

     On Monday, an earthquake shook the area of San Francisco Bay at 8:12 a.m. There were a few fatalities and many other injuries after the quake. The people are now working on repairing the damage that the quake caused.
     The firefighters and residents of the city explained what they felt and how it happened. They describe what the firefighters had to do get the destruction under control and what happened to the people who were affected by the quake.
     Earthquakes can be a very dangerous, destructive, powerful force of nature that can lead to injury and in other cases even death. "A building housing McHenry's Auto Supply partially collapsed, killing two people and injuring six others," said Jennifer Vu, a public information officer from the Hayward Fire Department.
     The people of San Francisco were willing to describe what they felt during that earthquake. "I was eating my breakfast when the room started rolling. I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window. That's when the screaming started across the street," Mike Beamer, a resident at Hayward, said. 
     The strongest parts of an earthquake can be very destructive. They sometimes just shake the ground while others can tear the ground apart. "The epicenter of the earthquake, which had a magnitude of 6.4 on the Ritcher scale, was under the Hayward Hills," said Penny Gertz. 
     When a quake like that happens many services like the fire department, the police and other medical groups such as local hospitals and the Red Cross may show up. "Twenty-one fire personnel, 12 police and five American Red Cross workers responded to the building collapse, with some arriving within four minutes of the quake," Vu said.     
     "Three of the six people injured were hurt seriously enough to require hospitalization and were transported to Hayward General Hospital, said Vu.
       She added the no other serious injuries have been reported in Hayward.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Huntington Story

 On Wednesday, April 6, 53 year-old Janice Jones was shot in her motor home, in Barstow, California at 10:00 p.m. by a gun that was accidentally set off by her dog. 
     Jones was eating pork chops when her dog brushed a 9mm handgun off the table. The gun went off, shot Jones in the leg and almost hit the gas tank under the house. Later, Jones was charged with animal abuse and gun handling.
     Jones' dog brushed against the gun, when it hit the floor it discharged and managed to shoot Jones herself and the side of the vehicle, according to California Highway Patrol press liaison Tammy Rye.    “It could have been worse,” Rye said. “The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank.”     
     After she was shot, Jones was transported to Huntington Beach Hospital by ambulance and then was transported again to Irvine Medical Center. "Jones was treated here," Jim Washington, a spokesperson for the Huntington Beach Hospital, said.
     Jones' dog, Tambo, was placed in the care of the Huntington Beach Animal Control officers. There, Janet Ngo discovered that the Pomeranian was malnourished and had fresh cigarette burns on its face. “It could have done with a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops,” Ngo said.
     As of now, Jones is facing charges related to animal abuse and possibly illegal gun handling. "Officers cited Jones for expired plates and the county’s district attorney’s office was considering whether to charge her in relation to the gun accident," said Rye "Jones doesn’t have a permit for the gun." 

Word Count: 261 

News Values

Timeliness: Lebanon Sentences Ex-Official to 13 Years in Prison.
This article accounts for timeliness because it is on of the newest world problems. This article was posted at 8:52 Friday, April 8. Also this is a problem that should be handled fast or things could possibly get out of hand.

Proximity: European Union to Consider Requiring Visas for U.S. Travelers.
This is a good proximity article because it was posted about European countries' tourism rates and it was published in Brussels, a country with this problem. Brussels along with many other countries in Europe are considering putting more restrictions on american travelers.

Prominence: South Korea Says North Has Capacity to  Put a Nuclear Warhead on a Missile.
I chose this for "prominence" because I thought that it is important to know about our nuclear powers. It's dangerous not knowing if a country (like North Korea) will use their weapons against countries like America.
Impact: Boko Haram Turns Female Captives Into Terrorists.
This is a good impact article because it has a very distinct tone and mood. It impacts everybody because it makes the audience feel bad about these women that are being forced to kill innocent people.

Conflict: Brazil's Congress Must Consider Impeaching Vice President.
I chose this for conflict because I think it's a good debate case. I think that this article is a good example of people discussing their ideas about the subject, and having arguments and conflicts within the whole idea.

Human Interest: Donald Trump, Despite Bashing Beijing, Is Not Without Fans in China.
This is a good example for human interest because I think that hundreds of people, Americans and Chinese alike have many things that they can say about Trump. This article could really get people interested because of who Trump is and what he is doing.

Novelty: 800-Pound Alligator Killed in Florida.
I chose this for novelty because this event was probably the most exciting thing that has happened for a while. If an 800 pound alligator showed up in Florida, it would be on the news everywhere because it is very unusual.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Student of the Month Story

Who- Hannah Hall
What- Student of the Month award
Where- Bowie High school
When- March 31, 2016
Why- To see how it feels to be student of the month from one herself
How- In an interview with the student of the month

     Hannah Hall, a ninth grader at Bowie High School, was awarded with the Student of the Month title on March 31, 2016. We did an interview with her to find out what it is like to be the student of the month.
     Student Hannah Hall is in 8 regular classes (three pre-ap, one regular) and she is also involved in many different after school classes and sports. This is what she said in response to the questions that we asked her during an interview with her on how hard she had to work to get this award.
     Every month, Bowie High School chooses one of their best students to be student of the month.
This time Hannah Hall was chosen for this title. "We chose Hannah as student of the month because she is really hard working, she's a good leader, and she had to balance extra curricular activities and her school work at once," assistant principal John Hughes said.
      Then we asked Hannah what she had done differently to get here. "I tried as hard as I could in school and my extra circulars," Hall said.
"We knew that she was more hard working than most of us, but we didn't expect to see her get this far academically," friend Hayden Jackson said.
     Some kids struggle getting their class work done on time. "Some of them are challenging but I know that they are going to help me in my future education," Hall said.
     When awarded with student of the month, students' friends might see them differently. "They'll probably think that I'm a lot cooler now that I've been awarded with such a big title," said Hall.
      Students who need help normally seek out their friends first, especially when their friend is the student of the month. "If I can help them I will but if not I'll send them to a person who can," said Hall in a positive voice.
"I asked her for help on homework and she was happy to help me with everything I needed," Blake Smith said.
       Every student who is awarded with this title normally changes his/her views for themselves after this step forwards. "I want to get through high-school with better grades," said Hall.
      This award has been given out to students to create a better learning environment and a sort of fuel for students to step up and become leaders. "I wanted to set an example and wanted to become a leader of my peers," said Hall after being awarded the title.
      Students take a lot of extra time to get to this point. "I had to spend a lot more time than the average kid my age," Hall said.
      Judging how long it will take a student to do homework, and how long they will have for other things (such as volunteering) is a challenge for most students." I spend about two hours, depending on what subject the homework is over, per night," Hall said, "I volunteered at the school carnival for about three hours."
      The students' grades must be high enough to be eligible for this award and they should want to keep improving themselves in their work and their characters. "I have mostly A's and a couple high B's," said Hall, "I wish to keep improving my personal habits, such as procrastinating and studying."
      The majority of students feel differently about themselves after receiving this title and have specific desires on how they want the public to view them. "I feel like I can do better academically, and I want them to see me as a figure of respect and leadership," said Hall.
      Students will become stressed when they see that they are so close to the award, and they have to get over that stress to achieve their goals. "I had to have a lot of alone time and my extra circulars helped a bunch," Hall said.
     Organization and scheduling are good to learn how to do at young ages like Hall. " I had to be very organized and coordinated with my extra circulars and my academics to get this award," said Hall.
     " I'd like to thank my teachers and my older brother for all their help; I also want to stay and admire what has happened to me for a while longer," Hannah Hall said.