Wednesday, April 20, 2016

My Opinion Story

     Over the last couple of years, people have stopped voting during the election seasons. "The lack of a greater percentage participating can or would change the outcome of elections on issues and in some cases candidates for offices," Dennis AuBuchon, spokesman for Speak Without, said. "The Percentages in past elections have seen at best a little more than half of registered voters casting their ballots."
     Voting is a crucial part of our rights as American citizens. Who we vote for has a big influence on who ends up with the positions in office. I think that it is important to vote for candidates running for any official position. 
     Most people say they are "too busy" to vote when voting season comes along. Others didn't feel that their vote would have an effect on the elections leading to a large number of people not wanting to vote. Others said they "couldn't get to the poll location" or "I don't think the runners are with it."
     Even if you don't feel that your vote matters it does. I think that everyone should vote because it would make everything go more fairly and make the elections run smoother. The presidential elections are coming up and if people don't vote, then the runners have a smaller chance of winning the position that they'd want. 
     Our founding fathers created this country as a democracy, meaning that everyone should vote. Voting was given as a right to us as Americans. We should have the honor just to vote when we don't think it is necessary. Who we vote for has a huge impact on the future and we need to put that into consideration when voting season comes along. 
     I am too young to vote yet, but I've been watching and listening to the adults in my life, and I've learned that they don't think voting is necessary. They all think that the candidates are all really horrible so they don't vote because they know that whoever wins will be a bad choice. 
     Voting also has many benefits in your favor after you vote. Government officials keep track of who votes, so they know what neighborhoods should be rewarded and who should be as well. They an actually provide people with better health care, and social status because of their votes. Who wouldn't vote when they know that there are benefits to voters? 
     People who vote normally end up with a mental status that is more helpful to their society than before. Voting can put little ideas into people's heads making them offer their help and support more than they did in their past.  
     I understand why people don't think that they should vote, but I don't see the point of not voting. Everyone has to have a favorite candidate, so why not embrace that and go vote! Nothing bad can happen if you vote, more things get better after you vote! The only bad things happen when we don't vote!
      I don't really have the opportunities to vote and go live on my own yet, but I know one thing for sure, I'm going to vote. I have many other plans for the future, but I believe that voting is a big deal and that it will help more people than it can hurt. 

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