Monday, April 4, 2016

Student of the Month Story

Who- Hannah Hall
What- Student of the Month award
Where- Bowie High school
When- March 31, 2016
Why- To see how it feels to be student of the month from one herself
How- In an interview with the student of the month

     Hannah Hall, a ninth grader at Bowie High School, was awarded with the Student of the Month title on March 31, 2016. We did an interview with her to find out what it is like to be the student of the month.
     Student Hannah Hall is in 8 regular classes (three pre-ap, one regular) and she is also involved in many different after school classes and sports. This is what she said in response to the questions that we asked her during an interview with her on how hard she had to work to get this award.
     Every month, Bowie High School chooses one of their best students to be student of the month.
This time Hannah Hall was chosen for this title. "We chose Hannah as student of the month because she is really hard working, she's a good leader, and she had to balance extra curricular activities and her school work at once," assistant principal John Hughes said.
      Then we asked Hannah what she had done differently to get here. "I tried as hard as I could in school and my extra circulars," Hall said.
"We knew that she was more hard working than most of us, but we didn't expect to see her get this far academically," friend Hayden Jackson said.
     Some kids struggle getting their class work done on time. "Some of them are challenging but I know that they are going to help me in my future education," Hall said.
     When awarded with student of the month, students' friends might see them differently. "They'll probably think that I'm a lot cooler now that I've been awarded with such a big title," said Hall.
      Students who need help normally seek out their friends first, especially when their friend is the student of the month. "If I can help them I will but if not I'll send them to a person who can," said Hall in a positive voice.
"I asked her for help on homework and she was happy to help me with everything I needed," Blake Smith said.
       Every student who is awarded with this title normally changes his/her views for themselves after this step forwards. "I want to get through high-school with better grades," said Hall.
      This award has been given out to students to create a better learning environment and a sort of fuel for students to step up and become leaders. "I wanted to set an example and wanted to become a leader of my peers," said Hall after being awarded the title.
      Students take a lot of extra time to get to this point. "I had to spend a lot more time than the average kid my age," Hall said.
      Judging how long it will take a student to do homework, and how long they will have for other things (such as volunteering) is a challenge for most students." I spend about two hours, depending on what subject the homework is over, per night," Hall said, "I volunteered at the school carnival for about three hours."
      The students' grades must be high enough to be eligible for this award and they should want to keep improving themselves in their work and their characters. "I have mostly A's and a couple high B's," said Hall, "I wish to keep improving my personal habits, such as procrastinating and studying."
      The majority of students feel differently about themselves after receiving this title and have specific desires on how they want the public to view them. "I feel like I can do better academically, and I want them to see me as a figure of respect and leadership," said Hall.
      Students will become stressed when they see that they are so close to the award, and they have to get over that stress to achieve their goals. "I had to have a lot of alone time and my extra circulars helped a bunch," Hall said.
     Organization and scheduling are good to learn how to do at young ages like Hall. " I had to be very organized and coordinated with my extra circulars and my academics to get this award," said Hall.
     " I'd like to thank my teachers and my older brother for all their help; I also want to stay and admire what has happened to me for a while longer," Hannah Hall said.

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