Tuesday, April 26, 2016

iMovie Preview

  1.    iMovie is an interactive application on any apple device, such as the mac, iPhone and iPad. It allows people to "drag and drop" their favorite pictures and videos into the movie they are creating. iMovie also allows narrations from the creator and music if wanted.                                        It allows people to "look like Hollywood directors" from one simple application. You can make videos, movies and trailers that you can customize using their own software. If you have iMovie on more than one device you can start it on one and finish it on the other.  When you are happy with your final product you can upload it to many different places through iMovie itself.       
  2. I knew that you can take and edit videos off your camera roll.
  3. I did not know that you can start it on one device and finish it on another.
  4. I really don't know about the narration, because I'm not sure what to do and how to do it.
  5. I already have a few ides about which topic I'm going to be shooting.                
  6. I'm thinking about shooting my little brother's baseball games. 

  1. The video explains that you can film on iMovie or on a camera and put it into iMovie through a cable connecting the camera to the computer and then edit it in iMovie. She explained how you can use the different view modes to see your work in different outputs.                                   She also explained how you can add effects into your work and then save and export it onto another media source that supports iMovies. 
  2. I knew that you could add titles, subtitles, an effects to your video. 
  3. I didn't know that you could cut clips into smaller pieces. 
  4. I am uncertain of the video that we are supposed to have.
  5. I am pretty happy with my ideas and I think that I will have my pictures pretty early in this project.
  6. I am going to take pictures at a Taekwondo tournament I am going to in May. 

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