Monday, April 18, 2016

Opinions Writing Part Two

  1. They said any controversial idea that gets you excited, any news stories that make you feel something, if it's rage or happiness or even sadness. 
  2. If you feel strongly about a side of a topic, show your thoughts then use statistics and details to give more evidence to what you are saying. You want to make the reader know what you felt by giving them context clues and not just saying what you are trying to emphasize. 

  • "Personal essays by definition contain a personal perspective. You should be there. Watch your construction. If every sentence begins “I”, you need to rephrase to provide a better rhythm and pace to your piece."
  • "No extra points for the number of facts you include. Academic essays contain more facts than opinion, personal essays contain more opinion than facts. But ensure the facts you use are accurate. Check names, spellings, numbers. Two sources of confirmation are better than one."
  • "Think of your essay as a camera lens. You might start by describing a fine detail (your personal experience or perspective, a specific moment in the narrative), then open up the lens to take in the wide view (the general/global backdrop), then close the piece by narrowing back to the fine detail. Or go the other way. Start with the wide view, focus in, then open up to the wide view again."

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