Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Happy, Bowie, Square, Metal, and "merger"

"Square"    Framing

"Happy"     Has no rule
"Metal"      Lines

 "Merger"  Has no rule

"Bowie"    Simplicity


  1. Hi Timmy! I really like your "Metal" picture because I like how you used lines to lead up to your subject. Great job!

  2. Hi Timmy. I also like your metal picture on how you used the lines to lead the picture up to the person walking. Nice picture!

  3. Hello Timmy, I really like your Happy photo, the gestures is used a lot of represent happiness, I've seen the potion in a lot of beach pictures. I like the lines in your Metal photo, I like the angle you captured the lines. I think for you Bowie picture you could have gotten it at a different angle to give it a more creative feel and also mess around with the lighting and shade. Great pictures!
