Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics



         First, in the Middle East there was a photo of a cabinet but the photo was mechanically altered so that all the females weren't in the cabinet and they were replaced with two men. Next, Brian Walski was fired from his job because he manipulated two images of a soldier to make the one he posted have better composition. Then, Adnan Hajj took some pictures of house that had smoke billowing out of them and he darkened and added smoke to the image resulting in him losing his spot with Reuters and fired and image editor. Lastly, Iran's Revolutionary Guards posted an image of a missile launch in Iran. There was a malfunction in one of the missiles so they photos hoped the image to look like it was a complete success.                   These are some ways that photo manipulation can be good or bad.

 I think that this type of photo manipulation is bad because it covers up what is really happening in the world and I think that we should learn about it. 

I think this is the most unethical picture given. I thought this was most unethical because the article said Bill Clinton and Fidel Castro were both in New York but there weren't any photographers nearby so the publishing company had completely photoshopped this image to make it look real.

I think that this is the least unethical photo 
because they might have changed how she looked to make her seem prettier so she didn't get mad that they posted a bad image of her that everyone can see. 

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