Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Camera (pg.2)

The Camera

Introduction to Exposure

  1. If a photo has too much light the thing you were trying to take a picture of would be "washed out" by all the light. If there is not enough light then your picture will be too dark and the subject will be too hard to see.
The Universal Stop

  1. The term "stop"is used a lot in photography to tell how much light there is in the photo. 
  2. The new planet with two suns would be a stop brighter than the Earth.
  3. A planet with four suns instead of two would be 2 stops brighter than the planet with two suns. 
Shutters and Aperture

  1. The longer your shutter speed is the more light you will receive in your photo.
  2. A shorter shutter speed results in having less light in the photo.
  3. The aperture is like a pupil, it controls the amour of light being taken in at one point. the aperture is also called an F-Stop.
  4. When adjusting the aperture, you need to make the closing larger to get more light in the photo.

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