Friday, October 2, 2015

The Three Pillars of Photography

ISO: An advantage of a higher iso at sporting events would be that your images would come out to be clearer than at a low ISO. The author said to use a slower shutter speed when there is plenty of light to get there best quality image. The author said to increase the ISO levels when there is little light available. 

3200 ISO

100 ISO

Aperture: The aperture is closely related to the pupil.  The smaller the aperture, there is less light coming in and the larger the aperture, there is more light coming in. Depth of field is where the foreground is in sharper focus than the background, so the background is blurry and the foregrounds are in focus.

 This was taken with an f/2.8. The hand and the bird are in focus but the background isn't.
This was taken with a f/20. the thistle is in focus but the background is too. 

Shutter Speed: 

  1. A. medium
  2. B. Medium
  3. C. Fast
  4. D. Fast
  5. E. Fast
  6. F. Fast

  1. A. slow
  2. B. slow
  3. C. Medium
  4. D. Medium
  5. E. Medium
  6. F.  Medium 

Fast Shutter speed

                                              Slow Shutter Speed

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