Thursday, October 8, 2015

Academic post Shoot reflection and peer review

  1.  A challenge for me was deciding which rooms to enter because I didn't want to be denied access to take photos of a classroom.
  2. I found myself trying to get as many rules as I could in one image, I also wanted to get a picture that told the best story or had the most going on in it.
  3. If  I could do the assignment again I would take way more images of anything I could. I would use as many unique angles and viewpoints as I could.
  4. I think I would have kept my camera settings the same as they were because the images turned out pretty well.
  5. Next prompt the rule of thirds will be the easiest to achieve because I know how to get to it because all you ever need to do is turn on the grid in the camera and you can position the subject as you need.
  6. I think the hardest rule to capture might be balance because there has to be more than one thing that you can actually take a picture of so that they balance each other out.
  7. I'm not to clear on balance still but I know that there are some websites that can tell me everything I need to know and the Bowie blog has it on there as well.

  1. In every one of her photos she includes a nice subject and brings out the composition well.
  2. Adding more contrast would make the images even better! 

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