Wednesday, October 28, 2015


 My overall reaction to his work is that I think that it really great that there are people out there who want to help Africa's native animals. I'm glad that he took these photos to show what the animals do in their "State of Being". His images didn't only capture what the animals did in their environment but it showed how they did it and he made them look amazing. In all of his photographs he managed to get the animals at great times, so the images had a contest of the land to the animals making them stick out.

This is my favorite image that Nick Brandt took. It is capturing two zebras looking back at something. I like this photo the most because he made the zebras stick out and had the white very vivid in color. The image has balance because both of the zebras create a level in the image, leading lines on the zebras and simplicity because the zebras are the only interesting thing in the image. 
Nick Brandt uses a medium-format black and white film and he also does not use any telephoto or zoom lenses. He doesn't use these lenses because he wants to get as close to his subject as possible without disturbing them. 
He wants to bring awareness to people about the endangerment of African animals. His hope is to get the local people or tourists to donate to the charities that help theses animals have better lives.

"Africa is Africa because of the animals there.The elephants, lions, giraffes, cheetah, rhinos- they are all iconic creatures that exert a powerful, deep emotion and mythical hold over our imaginations. But we can no longer take their presence for granted. At the current rate of destruction, by the next generation, they will be gone."
-Nick Brandt, August 2013

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