Friday, October 30, 2015

Rules of Photography Part 2





Leading Lines

Rule of Thirds

View Point

Abandoned theme parks

Nara Dreamland, Nara, Japan

I want to visit this amusement park because it is something that is a copy of an American park, Disneyland. I think that it would be quite amazing to see a park that is in another country and is made because they admired the American works. I would want to see what was the same and what is different in both parks. Nara Dreamland could feature more things than Disney land, it could have Japanese characters in it while Disney land is all Disney characters. Disney land seems like a great place; I've never been so I don't actually know, but I still think that seeing an American park in another country would be picture worthy.

I think that the insides of caves would be cool. Another would be underwater. One could be from way up in the trees looking down. the fourth might be unpopulated desert plains and hills. Lastly I think that it would be cool from a spacial view of earth. 

I think that it would be cool to take pictures inside caves because there are so many things that can happen in them I think it would be fun. There is also a slight adventure that could go with these images because you'd have to explore the cave and then take a picture. If I were taking pictures of caves i would come out with images of the natural things that are in that cave such as bats, or stalactites and stalagmites. 
If I was going to a cave I'd need to have the transportation to get there, if the caves in the city or not. Then I would need rock climbing equipment( a harness, cables, gloves etc...) and a camera.  There could also be a price to get into that cave. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


 My overall reaction to his work is that I think that it really great that there are people out there who want to help Africa's native animals. I'm glad that he took these photos to show what the animals do in their "State of Being". His images didn't only capture what the animals did in their environment but it showed how they did it and he made them look amazing. In all of his photographs he managed to get the animals at great times, so the images had a contest of the land to the animals making them stick out.

This is my favorite image that Nick Brandt took. It is capturing two zebras looking back at something. I like this photo the most because he made the zebras stick out and had the white very vivid in color. The image has balance because both of the zebras create a level in the image, leading lines on the zebras and simplicity because the zebras are the only interesting thing in the image. 
Nick Brandt uses a medium-format black and white film and he also does not use any telephoto or zoom lenses. He doesn't use these lenses because he wants to get as close to his subject as possible without disturbing them. 
He wants to bring awareness to people about the endangerment of African animals. His hope is to get the local people or tourists to donate to the charities that help theses animals have better lives.

"Africa is Africa because of the animals there.The elephants, lions, giraffes, cheetah, rhinos- they are all iconic creatures that exert a powerful, deep emotion and mythical hold over our imaginations. But we can no longer take their presence for granted. At the current rate of destruction, by the next generation, they will be gone."
-Nick Brandt, August 2013

Monday, October 26, 2015

Funny Captions

Ironic Brainbusters posted this photo of a maze,  he knew this would be the best
place for the Hospital, in Middle of Nowhere, Nebraska. This was taken on Veterans Day 2015.
Mr. Brainbusters posted this image to show to people who have alzheimer's to see how long it would take them to find the hospital. Ironic Brainbusters is a 76 year old man. He has Alzheimer's and he loves this maze. He said that he found the Hospital once... ONCE! Patients, good luck.

This image was taken by Judy Baurk, who is using a selfie stick to achieve
this image. she is in a grocery store wearing her favorite shirt. she wanted to
take this image to show her being happy before she has to check out, if she does at all...
Judy had a terrible childhood. Because she grew up in the 1930's they didn't have any technology
so they always played outside. She was always getting pushed into open sewage drains by her
friends. That is why she just loves everybody.

President Bush took this image as he was parachuting out of a plane on his birthday above
Alabama. he wanted to say that you are never too old to do anything as long as you have fun.
All of these men were over the age of 90.  They all agreed to do this when the were 18 and
totally forget until they were boarding the helicopter. Jackson Tore the man in the image on the bottom said he wet himself, Blake Kaetsim the man on top, said he never passed out longer than that before. 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers: Part 3

  1. When I was looking at my photographers images, I noticed how he took many photos of the same thing with a different visibility. He made many pictures that overlapped each other and that you could see had a past- present theme, for example a building that was once there is now gone but is still visible because of his images.
  2. In the second picture here, I see a tree inside the form of a house, but both objects are visible here. I smell the tree pollen that is all around the house, I can hear the birds and other animals calling out to the world. Then I can feel how the house is there but not there, its almost tangible but it's not.
  3. In the last image, Laughlin made one image out of three. The girl's face makes me feel alone inside. I see her face, the swamp-ish area in the background and the stars overhead. The image doesn't give a smell or a taste but there is little or no sound, if there is it would be an eerie screeching.
  4. I think I would use a blog to expose my photographers images because anybody can view your blog, but with a poster or powerpoint would only work for a group and not a town or city.


Mural Project: Introduction

  1.  I think that the athletics would create a good theme that we can take for the panels around the school. There are so many different activities that this school does, it would be easy to find an activity to make a mural of.
  2. I think we should use all types of cameras, if its phones or actual cameras because they could get different kind of images, than if we just used one type of camera.
  3. I would either put the mural somewhere in the courtyard because everybody sees it sometime in the day and it would be viewed easiest. I also believe that we could put it in the front entrance of the school outside the office.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Academic post Shoot reflection and peer review

  1.  A challenge for me was deciding which rooms to enter because I didn't want to be denied access to take photos of a classroom.
  2. I found myself trying to get as many rules as I could in one image, I also wanted to get a picture that told the best story or had the most going on in it.
  3. If  I could do the assignment again I would take way more images of anything I could. I would use as many unique angles and viewpoints as I could.
  4. I think I would have kept my camera settings the same as they were because the images turned out pretty well.
  5. Next prompt the rule of thirds will be the easiest to achieve because I know how to get to it because all you ever need to do is turn on the grid in the camera and you can position the subject as you need.
  6. I think the hardest rule to capture might be balance because there has to be more than one thing that you can actually take a picture of so that they balance each other out.
  7. I'm not to clear on balance still but I know that there are some websites that can tell me everything I need to know and the Bowie blog has it on there as well.

  1. In every one of her photos she includes a nice subject and brings out the composition well.
  2. Adding more contrast would make the images even better! 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Camera Simulator

Available Aperture:  2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22

Available Shutter Speed: From 1" to 1/4000 of a second.

Available ISO: 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 6400 12800 15600

Friday, October 2, 2015

The Three Pillars of Photography

ISO: An advantage of a higher iso at sporting events would be that your images would come out to be clearer than at a low ISO. The author said to use a slower shutter speed when there is plenty of light to get there best quality image. The author said to increase the ISO levels when there is little light available. 

3200 ISO

100 ISO

Aperture: The aperture is closely related to the pupil.  The smaller the aperture, there is less light coming in and the larger the aperture, there is more light coming in. Depth of field is where the foreground is in sharper focus than the background, so the background is blurry and the foregrounds are in focus.

 This was taken with an f/2.8. The hand and the bird are in focus but the background isn't.
This was taken with a f/20. the thistle is in focus but the background is too. 

Shutter Speed: 

  1. A. medium
  2. B. Medium
  3. C. Fast
  4. D. Fast
  5. E. Fast
  6. F. Fast

  1. A. slow
  2. B. slow
  3. C. Medium
  4. D. Medium
  5. E. Medium
  6. F.  Medium 

Fast Shutter speed

                                              Slow Shutter Speed