Thursday, January 7, 2016

Most Interesting Things of 2015

 Best Song: Uptown Funk
 This is my favorite song of the year because I thought it was a good, catchy song that almost everyone person would know and like. This was also a personal song to me because I heard it everywhere and we did fun stuff using this song.

Best Movie: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
This was my choice for best movie of 2015 because it was a good movie, it broke many records and made almost a billion dollars in its first 12 days of being published. It was on of the most attended movie of all time and was almost the highest paying movie ever.

Biggest News Story of 2015: Charlie Hebdo Attack in Paris

This was one of the most important news stories of 2015 because everyone was in shock at what had happened and it made national news as a very big worry for people of Paris and others who felt sympathy.

Most Important Person of 2015: Donald Trump

Donald Trump is running for president this year. This is a huge debate on who should actually win the candidacy; either Donald Trump or 
Hilary Clinton. Donald Trump has the most preposterous ideas ever and therefore he is loved and hated as president making him one of the most known people of 2015.

Biggest Sports Story in 2015: Patriots Deflate-gate Controversy 

This was a big news story after the Patriots won their AFC championships because they deflated their footballs making them easier to throw and catch. This was a huge deal for sports teams in the NFL. This story was continuous for many weeks until it was settled. 

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