Friday, January 22, 2016

Yearbook Inrtoduction

  • I think all yearbooks need a inventive title.
  • Their school name and the years on the cover.
  • Table of contents.
  • They all need tons of pictures and stories.
  • Should give a brief flashback into the schools past years.
  • They should all stay within a topic per page.
  • Each year book needs to have a specific color scheme.
  • Should include students and teachers/staff.
  • Every page needs text and pictures that work together
  • Each image should have an explantation to it.
  • Should have in-school activities and away from school, school related activities.
  • Needs to include school academics and sports. 
  • Clubs, organizations, events, fundraisers, get togethers, should be included.
  • Should have the opinions of the students and staff in it.
  • needs to tell a story throughout. 
  • Should show emotions and memories people would like to remember.
  • Should all have different sections of ideas.
  • Every section needs to be introduced.
  • Need pages numbers.
  • Needs to include places to get yearbook signed.
  • Needs a section for the portraits all of the students from that year.
  • Should honor anything big, like graduations.
  • Should reflect on the past year.
  • An index with students contributions in the yearbook. 
  • Random things that people can be surveyed by(likes, dislikes, clothing, jewelry, etc...)

  1. All Eyes on Us.
  2. Lyndon Baines Johnson (LASA) Early College High-School. 
  3. The school shows off their academics and their sports themes. They also like to have a short section on their seniors from when they were younger. 
  4. There are 8 sections in this yearbook.
  5. My favorite spread was the "watch how we grow" section.
  6. Yes there was.
  7. Yes there are groups and clubs featured.
  8. There is not a table of contents.
  9. 1,830 kids are enrolled at this school.
  10. This school is from Texas.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Magazine Covers Peer Review

  1. The name of the magazine was Motocross (second) and it was made by Connor Pearson.
  2. I like the pictures behind the text and the font really flowed with his images so it made it look professional. 
  3. I think that he could have done different angles of the biker, so you can see his face.
  4. I picked this cover because of the layout. I was scanning through many other covers but this one had a unique style of font, and I also liked how he "married'' his picture to the words. 
  5. There is a bar code, it is relatively the correct size and it's in the correct spot.
  6. I might have looked at the cover, but I'm not really into the topic that he chose to do the cover on so maybe not.
  7. I cannot tell if it is a portrait or self-portrait. I might guess that it wasn't a self-portrait because it would be really hard to get the timing the way he did so I think it was a portrait.

  1. The magazine was called Blossom and the designer was Isabella.
  2. I liked the area where she took the image and i also liked how she blended her text color in with the picture. 
  3. I would suggest making the text more visible it is kind of hard to see in some spots.
  4. I chose this image because of the colors and the way she had the text situated on the page.
  5. Yes, there is a bard code, it is a good size and and is in the correct spot.
  6. I probably would look at this magazine because it looks like an outdoorsy magazine that would be right up my alley.
  7. This image was a portrait of one of her friends.

  1. The title of it was Unfolded, and it was created by Evan Acuna.
  2. I really liked the font he used for the title, it made it stand out well, and i also like the door of light that jus being filtered through the image. 
  3. I would suggest to show off the origami more, so a better angle would make the image stronger.
  4. I thought the lighting was unique and the idea of a magazine with an unusual and creative topic, like origami, was very interesting.
  5. There is a bar code, it could be a little smaller, and it is in the correct place.
  6. For this cover maybe. I think I would look at it to see what it was, because it's so different from tyne rest.
  7. I can tell that it was a self portrait because you couldn't see his face really and it seemed that he rushed to get into the photo implying that it was by a timer.

Prompt Shoot Peer Review

Prompt Shoot #3:

  1.  I liked her connected image the best because I liked the feeling of space within the image.
  2. My least favorite image was her footprints image because it was kind of random and spontaneous, and I would not have know what it was without her explanation. 
  3. I really liked her innovative and clever ways to take those images and I liked how clearly and sharply she took the images.
  4. I think her exposure levels were a little off in some of her pictures but they weren't bad. 
  5. I think she did a good job at showing off her connected image. The subjects look like they are connected and are in a relationship. 
  6. I think  her idea of footprints wasn't the greatest because she just took pictures of people walking and it doesn't really show their footprints like the prompt asked for. 

Prompt Shoot #3

Footprints in the sand that we made. 

A black and white posed image.

The "exit" shows the end of a hall.

This is the yummy picture. I thought these berries look a lot like grapes. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

My Winter Break

  1. Over the holidays my family and I took down our playscape that we had in the backyard for several years. Surprisingly nobody got hurt!
  2. My resolutions for 2016 are to be more responsible for my actions and to get stuff done that I don't want to, faster. 
  3. I'm looking forward to the summer because we are planning a trip to go to New York city. I also want to go to more places over the holidays that we don't normally do. 

Most Interesting Things of 2015

 Best Song: Uptown Funk
 This is my favorite song of the year because I thought it was a good, catchy song that almost everyone person would know and like. This was also a personal song to me because I heard it everywhere and we did fun stuff using this song.

Best Movie: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
This was my choice for best movie of 2015 because it was a good movie, it broke many records and made almost a billion dollars in its first 12 days of being published. It was on of the most attended movie of all time and was almost the highest paying movie ever.

Biggest News Story of 2015: Charlie Hebdo Attack in Paris

This was one of the most important news stories of 2015 because everyone was in shock at what had happened and it made national news as a very big worry for people of Paris and others who felt sympathy.

Most Important Person of 2015: Donald Trump

Donald Trump is running for president this year. This is a huge debate on who should actually win the candidacy; either Donald Trump or 
Hilary Clinton. Donald Trump has the most preposterous ideas ever and therefore he is loved and hated as president making him one of the most known people of 2015.

Biggest Sports Story in 2015: Patriots Deflate-gate Controversy 

This was a big news story after the Patriots won their AFC championships because they deflated their footballs making them easier to throw and catch. This was a huge deal for sports teams in the NFL. This story was continuous for many weeks until it was settled. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Welcome Back

This is one of my favorite photos of 2015 because it is an image of a migrant standing in front of a fence in Calais, France. I chose this photo because they was a huge dispute in 2015 about what should happen to the migration levels increasing and the illegal migration into other countries. This idea was a big problem for many months throughout 2015.
 This was one of my favorite images because Hilary Clinton is running for president this year and that is what she would look like as president.  She is running against Donald Trump who stands a big chance of getting to become the new president. This was a big event that everyone had to know about from last year.
In this image, there are several people dressed up like storm troopers from the Star Wars movies; at a bar in northern England. They are only big fans who felt they had the need to go out and celebrate the new Star Wars movie that came out in December 2015. That movie broke many records in the movie industry and there are many more movies to follow this one.