Thursday, December 3, 2015

Fashion Photography Evolution

1.  The model looked completely different from when she started to where they finished. The photo editor changed the length of her neck, he adjusted her hair, he made her eyes and eyebrows relocate on her face, he made her lips larger and then he made her eyes bigger.

2.  On this model, they changed her hair and make-up, but then they changed how high her    shoulders were, they made her legs longer and her feet shorter, they reformed her eyes, then the editors moved her hands out making her arms longer and then they completely changed her whole skin tone.

3.  The photo editors completely changed this woman. At the beginning she was bigger in all her features. Then as they went on they changed her calf muscles to make them look smaller. Then they changed her upper legs; they made them smaller in size! Next they changed her waist and her hand. Later they changed her gentiles and her torso. Next the editors changed her entire face and added a lot of hair to the existing hair. Finally, they smoothed out the rough edges and gave her more visible features.

4.  I do not think that this is ethnically acceptable to change people like this. I think that the only thing that should be changed on a person is the amount of make-up they are wearing, which still compromises their real appearance. Photoshop should not be used to make a person look better. What they look like is what they look like and you shouldn't change that, and sure it might look better if you do photoshop them but it isn't right, so you shouldn't do it.

5.  Yes, in every way changing a persons' appearance is not right. There shouldn't be any cases where this is actually ethnically right.

6.  I think that there are way more changes that can be made that aren't good and there are only a few that are OK. I think that the use of make-up is alright and I also think changing patches on the model that don't want to be seen are not seen . I think that changing facial features are wrong, moving body parts around to fit a certain look isn't right, and changing a persons natural body shape isn't right either.

7.  First, I  think that changing an image of a plant or non-living thing in photoshop to bring out colors or something else is alright. With fashion photography using photoshop is wrong if you change that persons appearance. I also believe that you can write a caption to go with the image and with fashion photography you are just showing off people or clothing designs or something else, and it tells its on story.

8.  I think that photojournalism shows what you can do and see in the world, and fashion photography  is more of showing what is happening in the designer world. Photojournalism is more practiced by upcoming or famous documenters and fashion photography is practiced more by people who want to show the world the beauty of people.

9. I think that you are showing us these videos to show what is actually happening in the world of photography to expose us to the use of photoshop and how it is right or wrong.

10. I think that none of those videos were about guys because it is easier to change how a woman looks than it is to change a man. The women also care more about their personal appearance than men do so they let people do it to them more.  

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