Friday, December 18, 2015

Fall Final extra credit

  1.  First of all, they said the man was pushed into the way of the train and was unable to hoist himself onto the platform into safety. Then, the photographer said he tried to help Suk Han but failed in attempt. Next, the photographer said that he used his camera flash to try and signal the train to stop, which failed. Lastly, he said his photos were a last resort and he wanted to capture this tragic event. 
  2. The photographer said “I just started running, running, hoping that the driver could see my flash,” and ended up capturing that photo in the moment it was happening. 
  3. Honestly, I'm glad that he ended up taking the photo because it is a good way to show how violent the world really is, and I think that it is a good way to see current events in New York and even other places, for that matter. 
  4. Even though I am glad he took the photo I would rather have seen a cover that said something like "man saves man from getting killed by subway" than what was actually presented to the public. I think the photographer should have spent a lot more time truing to lift Han up to the platforms than try and fail just so he can take an unnecessary image. 
  5. I think that it was a good decision even though the photographer has to put up with the public for his actions. I think that people should realize that a little thing like shoving somebody can lead to a much bigger thing, like being killed. This photo shows that in a way. 
  6. I think that capturing images of what is happening in life is more important because we can keep records of what happens, otherwise it just turns into some story that not everyone can believe. Capture it first, then stop it from happening. 
  7. It really depends on the situation. If it is life-depending then hey probably should but if it isn't that important, why should they? If they don't want to have a bad appearance to them then I think they should help, but if they don't care what they get thrown at them then its their decision to help or not. 
  8. They don't always have to stay out of things. If they feel that it is important enough to get involved, they should.
  9. "Because an iphone isn't designed to take photographs in the same way - the guy is a freelancer - he's probably using a DSLR. The photo above is super noisy so it's obviously a very high ISO and he's using flash - which means the guy was probably shooting at a fast shutter speed too - all of those 3 combined it's quite hard to get a blurry image.- I'm happy to believe the guy was running towards the train - but we live in a society nowadays where no one believes anyone even when they're telling the truth - also, I don't know how fast those trains come into the station but if that were a train here in London at this distance - no one would stand a chance of rescuing the guy because the trains come in far too quickly,"I think that this is the most appropriate comment because the guy actually believes the photographer and that is all a real possibility to what really happened. 

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