Monday, November 16, 2015

American Soldier

A. I think that image #28 is the most powerful because it tells you that he returned to his 
girl -friend and his family and the image gives a hint of that emotion that they can feel just from the image. 

B. Set 1 - at home  - Image #1 to Image #4 

Set 2 - basic training - Image #5 to Image #15
Set 3 - in Iraq - Image #16 to Image #27
In Image #28 he is back at home in Denver 

C. I think that set 2, basic training, was the most powerful because it was the part of the army that taught him everything he knew, and that is what helped him do well in the action of Iraq.

D.The images work well together to tell a story because they show many different times in his life and it showed how Ian changed and developed during each different time and place. 

E.It was written in mostly paste tense.

F. The captions enhance the images because they make the story behind each image show a little more by having just a little insight to what was happening at that time. 

G. Ian Fisher wanted to become an American Soldier in Iraq. He spent many weeks in training for the trip to Iraq. Then he finally gets to go where he wanted and he comes back from it a changed man. The war had mad him think and look in different ways, he is also damaged so that he has to take drugs to make him feel better. When he gets home he has wishes to become a husband and a father. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Portraits and Self- Portraits Part 1

Part 1:

Shoot Candidly-Sometimes posed shots can look somewhat…. posed.Some people don’t look good in a posed environment and so switching to a candid type approach can work.

Introduce Movement- Portraits can be so static – but what if you added some movement into them? This can be achieved in a few ways:by making your subject move, by keeping your subject still but having an element in the scene around them move,  and by moving your camera (or it’s lens to achieve a zoom burst).

Use your imagination- A self-portrait can reveal a lot about you, by including props and even other people that are meaningful in your life.

Environmental Portraits:
I posted this because I felt that the environment had an affect on the image. It tells the viewer that the girl likes to be out in the open country because of her environment and what she was wearing.

In this image the photographer got the man on the top of a mountain or hill and shows the background landscape which allows the viewer to infer that the man likes to hike. 

Self- Portraits 

I thought that this was a good portrait because it captured emotions that happens quickly, in one still image and it has a feel to whats going to happen next

This image has the subject looking off center which adds to the mans nature and emotions.

Casual Portraits 

I liked this image because the subject is doing what it would normally do and he looks like he's having fun so this is a portrait that shows his everyday life.

In this image the woman looks very happy and the lighting also makes the background look alive, making the portrait have a feel of happiness. 

my plans:
I plan on taking images of myself and my brother doing what we would normally do at home or any other place and I would want to make the environment look very happy and cheerful as a reflection of our emotions; it would also be cool if I could get a very different kind of background every time so nothing looks the same. I will get the most noticeable rules in the portraits and then I will use portrait tips that can add even more enjoyment to the portraits.

Love and Losses

Warm-Up:  Love and Losses

  1. The first few photos made me feel a great deal of happiness, and love, but as the images kept going I started getting a sense of sicknesses and loneliness, which eventually led to greater more upsetting things. 
  2. I think that the quote does a good job of saying that even though theses picture are us they don't make up who you are and you can do something about it if you want to.
  3. I would most likely be able to take a series of images like these but they wouldn't tell such a big, deep story. My images wouldn't be as touching and as life-like as his were, but I might be able to tell a story with them.
  4. If I had to write Angelo a letter I would probably tell him that he did a great job on his images and that I felt sorry for his losses and I understand what he's doing in his work.