Friday, May 20, 2016

Car Raid: Story

    On Saturday May 13, 2016 I sat down with Chandler Linseisen in her car. I sat in the car with her to see what she did as a normal day and found out more about her than I knew, through that interview. 
     Chandler is an 11th grader at Ann Richard's. She has had her license for a bout a year; and in this story we will see what she uses that car for. 
     She has a brown, four-door Ford-F-150. We asked her why she had that model (leather seats and all). "I have a Ford because my Dad had it before me and then it eventually became mine," she said, "the leather is what the company designed them to be." 
     I then asked her what she mostly used her car for and she said, "I use my car to drive me places." 
She, on average, spends about an hour in the car each day. 
      When I entered the car I noticed that it was very messy. I had to infer that doesn't clean it very much. "I clean my car maybe once a month," Linseisen said. To find out how tidy she really am I asked how often she cleans her room. "I clean my room maybe once every few months, basically whenever it gets too dirty to handle," Linseisen replied, "My room is basically a second room to me."  She said that her car was dirty because she "hadn't cleaned it out in a while." 
     I also noticed that the back seats were covered with her homework and school activities. I saw volleyball gear in the back and wanted to know why. "I play volleyball and it's the stuff I need to play with," Linseisen said.  
    There were a lot of bidders and papers in the back. Yet she said " I don't really do homework in the car," and "I carry my homework and school work in the car with me for say access." 
     She had the radio set to some of my least favorite radio stations. I asked her why she listened to them. "They seem to be there radio stations that my friends listen to," Linseisen said, unfortunately her truck doesn't allow her to listen to her own music from her iPod. 
     I asked her what she thought her friends thought about her having her own car, "They think that I am a lot more mobile and think that I am their personal taxi driver, "Linseisen said, " I like that I have the freedom to go wherever I want whenever I want." 

   Linseisen is a very good driver and she hasn't gotten into a crash before, and she would like to keep it that way for another year of great driving.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Car Raid Questions and Answers

  1. Why do you have a Ford-F-150? 
  2. Why are the seats leather? 
  3. What do you use your car most often for?
  4. How long do you think you spend in your car everyday?
  5. How often do you clean your car? 
  6. How often do you clean your room? 
  7. Why was there volleyball gear in the back?
  8. Do you do homework in your car? 
  9. Then why was there textbooks in the back? 
  10. Why do you listen to those radio channels? 
  11. How often do you have your iPod track playing in your car? 
  12. Why was your car filled with trash? 
  13. Is your car a second room to you?
  14. What do other people think about you now that you have a car?
  15. What do you like the most about your daily driving? 
1. I have a Ford because my Dad had it before me and then it eventually became mine.
2. That is what the company designed them to be.
3. I use my car to drive places.
4. I spend on average about an hour a day in the car.
5. I clean my car maybe once a month.
6. I clean my room maybe once every few months, basically whenever it gets too dirty to handle.
7. I play volleyball and it is the stuff that I need to play volleyball.
8. I don't really do my homework in the car.
9. I carry my homework and schoolwork in the car with me for easy access.
10. They seem to be the radio stations that my friends tend to listen to.
11. Never because my truck doesn't have an AUX cord.
12. I hadn't cleaned it out in a while.
13. Basically.
14. They think that I am a lot more mobile and think that I am a personal taxi driver.
15. I like that I have the freedom to go wherever I want basically whenever I want.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Car Raid Preview

  1. Either Chandler Linseisen or Daniel Wheat.
  2. Next Time I see them, (Saturday/Monday most likely)
  • Why was your radio set to that channel?
  • What was the  (object/item)  in the back seat for?
  • Who normally rides in here?
  • How often do you clean your car?
  • Why do you keep (object/item) in here?
      4. What the person does in their car on a normal daily basis, Who they have in their car, why they     have what they have in their car and what they have everything set to, like radio mirrors etc... 

Merger Photo

Friday, May 6, 2016

Merger Preview

  1. I saw that spacing was an issue; if you wanted to have each frame spaced out evenly. 
  2. I think that the are around the portables would be good because you could use the portable walls as a kind of backdrop for your subject and you could get some good scenery in the background. 
  3. Using many different things your could create a word wall in with you have all your emotions. You could also be doing an action that involves step-by-step movement and capture it from start to finish. 
  4. Anything that will contrast with part of the image, if it is the background, the sky or even the subjects themselves.